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Passionate About Inspiring Others

My name is Jamesetta Roach.  I have a Master's Degree in Christian Counseling, a Bachelor's Degree in Ministry, and I am currently pursuing a Doctorate Degree in Biblical Counseling. I am a Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor, and I am certified in Temperament Therapy. I am a licensed and ordained pastor of 10 years. I have helped bring healing to those who are hurting for over 25 years.


I am not engaged in the practice of Psychology, National-Licensed Professional Counseling, Psychotherapy nor am I a Social Worker. The counseling philosophy and approach I provide is God-centered, using Biblical truths and temperament therapy. My areas of emphasis include: individual, pre-marital, marriage, family, group and grief counseling.


I am committed to providing a non-judgmental environment as clients travel the path to hope and healing. I believe each client is significant, fearfully and wonderfully created. I believe each client has the capacity for growth and change. My goal is to help clients find acceptance, significance, and security in a relationship with Jesus Christ. Using Biblical truths and temperament therapy, clients are able to deal with sin, learn strategies to meet their needs, and begin experiencing the freedom they long for. With the wise counsel of the Holy Spirit, clients become free to be who God created them to be.

I love LOVE! My passion is to help clients discover the truth of who they are in Christ and experience the true love of God. I partner with clients to develop a plan that will help them heal wounds of emotional hurt, and to resolve inter- and intra-personal conflict that causes broken relationships. Through counseling, I work diligently with clients, bringing my personal understanding to assist in the management of day-to-day stress in all areas of their lives.  



Roach Counseling Care


To bring hope and healing to the spirit and soul, leading to a life of Freedom in Christ:


Free to live! * Free to love! * Free to laugh! *

Free to be who God created you to be!



·       To help clients heal from emotional hurt.

·       To help clients gain understanding of their needs

        through temperament therapy.

·       To help clients learn strategies to bring inter-and intra-            personal conflict to resolution.

·       To assist clients in applying biblical truths to maintain

        healthy relationships

·       To assist clients in becoming free to be who God created

         them to be.

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